
Customise Document

Sale of Goods Contract

  • Answer the following questions to generate your customised document. Your document is provided to you in a Microsoft Word format, allowing you to make changes if you wish.
Seller Details
*Is the Seller a Company or Individual?
Company Individual
What is the Name of the Seller?
*What is the Seller's Address?
(include Province)
Buyer Details
*Is the Buyer a Company or Individual?
Company Individual
What is the name of the Buyer?
*What is the Buyer's Address?
(include Provinces)
Contract Details
*Are you the Seller or the Buyer?
Seller Buyer
*Are the goods new and unused?
Yes No
*Please enter a description of the Goods:
*Please enter the price of the Goods:
*What is the address where the Goods will be handed over?
*Does the Price include VAT?
Yes No